Companies and Affiliated Factories
Companies and Affiliated Factories
Parts Production and Supply Engineering Company
Activity : Tabriz Tractor Manufacturing and Supply Parts Engineering Company, performing manufacturing engineering activities, supplying and supplying industrial parts and assemblies, engine and tractor axles, and industrial machinery and trucks
Trading and after-sales service company
Activity : Purchase, sale, import, after-sales service, supply and distribution of spare parts and components, export and services about us, agricultural, industrial, irrigation and related industries, tools and trailers, related parts and accessories
Iran Tractor Motorists Company
Activity : Design, manufacture and supply of internal combustion engines and related parts with various applications in agriculture, automobile, industrial, road construction machinery and…
Iran Tractor Foundry Company
Activity : Manufacturer of cast iron parts for tractors and cars using high production capacity and leading human resources developed nationally and regionally
Iran Tractor Industrial Services Company
Activity : Providing technical services related to public facilities such as water, electricity, steam or compressed air supply, establishing telecommunications, fuel, etc. to the Iran Tractor Manufacturing Complex and other institutions and companies
Azerbaijan Diesel Automakers Company
Activity : Design, manufacture, production and assembly of automobiles and spare parts and automotive equipment, development and creation of related industries and partnership with other industries
Kurdistan Tractor Company
Activity : Manufacturing and production of agricultural tractors with medium and heavy capacity, industrial and production machinery, agricultural implements, development and creation of related industries and partnership with other industries
Urmia Tractor Company
Activity : Manufacturing and producing all kinds of tractors, light and garden agriculture and tools needed for gardens; Export and import of machinery needed in agriculture, livestock and industry
Siba Motor Company
Activity : Design, manufacture and production of diesel vehicles, including work, commercial and passenger vehicles, and commercial activities in the field of supply and sale of various auto parts
Vaniran Tractor Company
Activity : 173 / 5000 Translation results Manufacturing and assembly of tractors, agricultural parts and equipment, as well as manufacturing items, materials and parts related to the company's social goals and also buying, selling, producing and supplying equipment related to agricultural activities
Tajiran Tractor Company
Activity : Manufacturing and assembly of tractors, agricultural parts and equipment, as well as manufacturing items, materials and parts related to the company's social goals and also buying, selling, producing and supplying equipment related to agricultural activities
Certificates and Awards
Head Office And Factory
Tabriz,First, Azarshahr Road, Iran Tractor Manufacturing Complex - Postal code : 4687
Phone : +984134255800 - 19
Fax : +984134245857 - 58
E-Mail : info[at]itmco.ir
Tehran Office
NO.10,shahid khorram Rudi st,NoRth-south yadegar Emam Expressway,tehran Iran p/c:1473716441
Phone : 02137548000-3
Fax : 021 44219677
Stock and Investment Phone : +982144538032
Stock and Investment Fax : +982144538915
Trading and Sale Office
Tabriz, First, Azarshahr Road, after the Tractor Manufacturing bridge, Gate number two, Central Building, 7th floor, Export and Marketing Department
phone : +984134245891
E-mail : export@itmco.ir
Sale Fax : +984134246048
Iran Tractor Manufacturing Industrial Group with half a century of experience and reliance on specialized and experienced manpower with the aim of self-sufficiency in the production and development of strategic heavy tractor products, and its export to regional and world countries and infrastructure development, especially in production workshops, information technology, Human resources have taken great strides in the growth and excellence of the country's industry and agriculture.
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